Melt into Pleasure with This Vegan Chocolate Fondue

Melt into Pleasure with This Vegan Chocolate Fondue

When we think of fondue, we're immediately transported to a world of comfort, indulgence, and, of course, flavor. And what if I told you that you can enjoy all the richness and creaminess of a chocolate fondue without any ingredients of animal origin? Yes, you heard...

Vegan Love: 7 Reasons to Date Another Vegan.

Vegan Love: 7 Reasons to Date Another Vegan.

In today's world, finding someone who shares your values and lifestyle choices can be a game-changer in relationships. For vegans, this sentiment rings especially true. Dating someone who follows a vegan lifestyle can offer a unique connection built on shared ethics,...

Looking for help to go vegan?

Looking for help to go vegan?

Even though every vegan or vegetarian has had to, at some point, go through the highs and lows of adapting to a new plant-based diet, there’s not a lot of talk on how hard it is to make this transition. You can have the best intentions and know all the good a...

Love Knows No Distance: Alex and Clara #OurVegMatch

Love Knows No Distance: Alex and Clara #OurVegMatch

It’s always heartwarming to hear stories about people’s relationships thriving even in hard times. That’s why we were so happy to hear from Alex and Clara! They met on Veggly and have been together ever since, despite having times where they were living 3 hours away...